Impact of Mobile Optimization on Search Rankings for Aviiss

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Aviiss, a website dedicated to HealthCare Project Management, Transaction Advisory, Medical Tourism, and Corporate Wellness, was facing challenges in maintaining competitive search engine rankings and attracting significant organic traffic. With an increasing number of users accessing the internet via mobile devices, it became essential for Aviiss to optimize its website for mobile users. This case study explores the impact of mobile optimization on Aviiss’s search rankings, user engagement, and conversion rates.


As a leader in healthcare consultancy and advisory services, Aviiss provides specialized content for industry professionals, corporate clients, and patients seeking medical tourism services. Despite offering valuable information, the website was experiencing suboptimal performance in mobile search rankings, high bounce rates from mobile users, and lower-than-expected conversion rates. Recognizing the growing importance of mobile-friendliness in SEO, Aviiss decided to implement a comprehensive mobile optimization strategy to enhance the user experience and improve its search rankings.

site ranking increase case study mr ahsan seo

Strategy and Implementation

The mobile optimization strategy for Aviiss was developed in several key phases:

  1. Mobile-Friendly Design Implementation

The first step involved redesigning the Aviiss website to ensure it was fully responsive and mobile-friendly. Key actions included:

  • Responsive Design: The website was rebuilt with a responsive design that automatically adjusts to different screen sizes. This ensured a consistent and user-friendly experience across devices, from smartphones to tablets and desktops.
  • Simplified Navigation: Mobile users often face difficulties navigating complex websites. Aviiss simplified its navigation menu, making it more accessible and easier to use on smaller screens.
  • Touch-Friendly Elements: All buttons, links, and interactive elements were optimized for touch input, making the site more intuitive for mobile users.
  • Readability Enhancements: Text size, spacing, and layout were adjusted to improve readability on smaller screens, reducing the need for users to zoom in or scroll excessively.
  1. Page Speed Optimization

Page load speed is a crucial factor in mobile SEO. Aviiss focused on improving its mobile page load times through the following actions:

  • Image Optimization: Images were compressed without compromising quality, ensuring faster load times. Additionally, responsive image techniques were implemented to load appropriately sized images based on the user’s device.
  • Minification of Code: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files were minified to reduce file sizes, improving the website’s overall speed.
  • Leveraging Browser Caching: Browser caching was enabled to store static resources locally on users’ devices, reducing the time it takes to load pages on subsequent visits.
  • Content Delivery Network (CDN) Integration: Aviiss implemented a CDN to serve content from servers closest to the user, further reducing load times and enhancing the user experience for global visitors.
  1. Mobile-Specific SEO Tactics

To complement the design and speed improvements, Aviiss implemented mobile-specific SEO tactics aimed at boosting search rankings for mobile users:

  • Mobile-First Indexing Optimization: With Google’s mobile-first indexing, the mobile version of the website was prioritized for indexing. Aviiss ensured that the mobile site mirrored the desktop version in terms of content and structured data, ensuring consistency across all devices.
  • AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) Implementation: To improve load speeds for mobile users, Aviiss adopted AMP technology for its key landing pages. AMP pages load faster, offering a smoother experience for users and enhancing the site’s chances of ranking higher in mobile search results.
  • Mobile-Focused Keyword Strategy: Aviiss refined its keyword strategy to include more mobile-friendly search terms and voice search queries, aligning content with how mobile users search.
  1. User Experience (UX) Improvements

In addition to technical SEO improvements, Aviiss focused on enhancing the overall user experience on mobile:

  • Simplified Forms: Forms used for inquiries, bookings, and subscriptions were simplified for mobile users, reducing the number of required fields and enabling autofill features to streamline the process.
  • Clear Call-to-Actions (CTAs): CTAs were optimized for mobile screens, ensuring they were prominent, easy to tap, and clearly conveyed the desired action.
  • Integration of Mobile-Friendly Features: Features like click-to-call buttons and mobile-optimized maps were integrated to facilitate easier interaction and engagement for mobile users.


The mobile optimization efforts at Aviiss led to significant improvements in several key performance indicators:

  1. Search Rankings
  • Improved Mobile Search Rankings: Within three months of implementing mobile optimization, Aviiss saw a substantial improvement in its mobile search rankings. Pages that were previously struggling on mobile SERPs moved up by an average of 15 positions. Some key service pages, particularly those related to Medical Tourism, began appearing in the top five results for relevant mobile searches.
  • Increased Visibility: The website’s visibility in mobile search results increased by 35%, resulting in higher click-through rates from mobile users.
  1. User Engagement
  • Reduced Mobile Bounce Rate: The bounce rate for mobile users decreased by 20%, indicating that visitors were finding the site more engaging and relevant. The improvements in design, speed, and usability contributed to users spending more time on the site and exploring multiple pages.
  • Higher Engagement Metrics: The average session duration for mobile users increased by 30%, and the number of pages viewed per session also saw a significant uptick. This demonstrated that mobile users were more engaged with the content and were more likely to explore different services offered by Aviiss.
  1. Conversion Rates
  • Increased Mobile Conversions: The conversion rate for mobile users improved by 25%, driven by the enhanced user experience and clearer CTAs. Inquiries for healthcare project management and medical tourism services, in particular, saw a notable increase, contributing to a higher number of qualified leads.
  • Higher ROI on Mobile Advertising: As part of the mobile optimization strategy, Aviiss also adjusted its mobile advertising campaigns. The improved mobile site performance resulted in a better return on investment (ROI) for these campaigns, with more conversions at a lower cost per acquisition.


The case study of Aviiss demonstrates the critical importance of mobile optimization in today’s digital landscape. By focusing on creating a mobile-friendly design, improving page load speeds, and implementing mobile-specific SEO tactics, Aviiss was able to significantly enhance its search rankings, user engagement, and conversion rates. The results highlight that mobile optimization is not just a technical necessity but a strategic imperative for businesses aiming to thrive in a mobile-first world.

For healthcare companies and other businesses looking to improve their online presence, the Aviiss case study serves as a powerful example of how targeted mobile optimization efforts can lead to measurable gains in visibility, user satisfaction, and business growth. Moreover, they can hire SEO Experts at Mr. Ahsan and get the best SEO services. As mobile usage continues to rise, ensuring that a website is optimized for mobile devices will be essential for maintaining competitive search rankings and achieving sustained success.