Gone are the days when people had to go to the stores in person to buy the products that they needed, today most of the items of day to day needs are available online and all you have to do is to place an order online using your credit and debit cards and get the articles delivered to your doorstep. There has been immense evolution in the online businesses and the emergence of Covid 19 has made it even more advanced and the products that were never sold online are also available online now. All this has become possible with the untiring efforts made by eth website developers who work hard to design and develop ecommerce websites. In the past the web designers had to use different software to make the compatible websites but the emergence of WordPress has made the job of web designer quite easy.<\/p>\n
Why use WordPress?<\/strong><\/p>\n Using different software of web designing is now a thing of the past as WordPress that was basically introduced for blogging has now become the best tool for website development and it works exceptionally well when a designer has to develop an ecommerce website. An ecommerce website is actually the online store were you place orders to buy the products that you need. At present most of the online stores we shop from are designed and developed using the WordPress most of whose features are not only free to use but very easy to understand and apply. Till date the software called WordPress is the best software for and ecommerce website development. The following are some of the best WordPress themes for development of ecommerce websites.<\/p>\n WooCommerce<\/strong><\/p>\n WooCommerce is a free WordPress plugin that helps you sell anything is a perfect manner. It is built to integrate with the WordPress in a seamless manner. It is one of the most popular ecommerce plugin that is easy to develop for web developers and easy to control for the business owner. It is considered as the best platform that can be used to start a new business in 2021.<\/p>\n WooCommerce is a one of those open-source ecommerce solutions that are built on WordPress. WooCommerce is that type of plugin that is needed not only for making new online stores but also for taking your old business online. Even the website designers can easily use WordPress and WooCommerce to make the incredible ecommerce websites for their clients. The following are the best features of the free plugin called WooCommerce that can be activated for free on every WordPress website. Using WooCommerce you can easily do the following:-<\/p>\n Easy Digital Downloads<\/strong><\/p>\n Among other free and efficient plugins that make an ecommerce website easy to design and develop, easy digital downloads offer a very convenient to use plugin that assists in management and sale of digital products on WordPress. EDD or easy digital downloads has a variety of new features that help in focusing on digital sales. It is a plugin with much cleaner interface for the user to handle. Easy digital downloads is best for the sales of PDF files, audio clips and eBooks. It works great when there is no sale of a physical product is involved. It is liked by the people as the basic plugin is totally free and all a person does is to install it on a website and your business website has a digital sales platform right away in which is available the feature that is needed for discount codes, activity and tracking and the file access control. When you have this plugin installed on your website the moment a customer buys a product from your website the system sends him a download link. The presence of a full cart helps minimize the clicks required to process payments.<\/p>\n Omnisend<\/strong><\/a><\/p>\n Omnisend is a plugin that is easy to integrate with any WooCommerce store to increase its sales considerably. By using this plugin a business is able to apply the Omni channel strategy of marketing in which push notifications, emails and sms messages, and even Facebook messenger messages are sent to the customers. This plugins assists in building a unique and customized customer experience that is very helpful in increasing the sales of a business on a single platform. By using this plugin you get the built-in automation workflows, templates for emails and a lot of drag and drop content that is easy to use for all.<\/p>\n OceanWP<\/strong><\/a><\/p>\n When it is about the free themes for WordPress ecommerce websites OceanWP is one of the best themes that has many features to maintain an ecommerce store with success and growth. It is full of free and purposeful demos. It is completely customizable via page builders and it is offered with complete integration with WooCommerce. The main features of this WordPress theme include:-<\/p>\n Zakra<\/strong><\/a><\/p>\n When it is about the best WordPress free themes the list remains incomplete without mentioning the name Zakra. This clean and hassle free theme is loaded with awesome photo galleries, it hosts call to action banner for assortments a module for a blog and a simple shop section. The other features that this simple looking WordPress themes has to offer are:-<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Neve<\/strong><\/a><\/p>\n When it is about Ecommerce speed plays a significant role in successful conversions and Neve is a theme with a speed that is matchless. This theme offers an exceptionally organized homepage where you can display your important products in a convenient way. It also has homepage featured boxes where you can display your business policies. When it is about customization it offers numerous ways to fit in your brand. Right from the customization of font and color to the uploading of your trademark every task is easy to perform.<\/p>\n The Zigcy Lite<\/strong><\/a><\/p>\n According to experts the Zigcy Lite theme was constructed on WordPress customizer which means that using it you can make your website look exactly the way you need it to be. The users of this theme claim that it is one of the easiest themes that they have ever used as it is very easy to modify the colors and fonts according to your requirement. Using this theme you can easily create a superior homepage for proper display of your featured products.<\/p>\n Estore<\/strong><\/a><\/p>\n One of the most popular WordPress themes of 2021 is the Estore. It comes in both free and paid versions. Though the paid version is much detailed and offer you a great deal of help in website development but even the free to download version has a lot to offer. Its compatibility with themes like Woocommerce helps the user start selling immediately. This theme is integrated with top page builders like Beaver Builder and Elementor.<\/p>\n\n